
Our Approach

CEDO-Uganda’s approach to programming is grounded in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC). It is a practical way in which children’s rights can be effectively implemented. It addresses children’s right to survival, protection, development and participation. The Convention’s guiding principles of inclusion; non-discrimination and being in the best interests of the child underpin the CEDO approach. We believe in a child’s right and responsibility to participate in health and education as well as their right to play. 



  • Engaging Children: Violations of human rights cause particular suffering amongst children, and limit the possibility of change in future generations. Therefore we work with children as our prime target, to amplify their voices, strengthen their agency as advocates, and building their confidence to effectively participate in critical issues that affect them within their homes, school and in the community.
  • Working with/within the family: CEDO promotes the rights of women caregivers across all our work so as to ensure effective care for their child. Over the years, we have learnt that the underlying causes of poverty are linked to the denial of rights of women   including: the participation in decision making in the home, income inequalities, and other rights such as on land / asset ownership, access to basic healthcare and inheritance. These have dire impact on children.
  • Strengthening community structures and- child care systems:  CEDO-Uganda has been very successful in implementing her child care models due to its approach of working with and within the existing local government and community structures mandated to provide care for children such as: Probation Officers, Juvenile homes, Police, Schools, Health Centre’s, Social workers, CBOs & FBOs, and community volunteers. This has resulted in more productive, cost-effective, sustainable and higher quality services provision for vulnerable families over the long-term.
  • Rights Based Approach: CEDO employs the Rights Based Approach to enable poor people to improve their own lives by harnessing the power they have, as individuals and as part of a community, to claim their rights and access the services to which they are entitled. This approach empowers passive ‘beneficiaries’ to become legitimate ‘rights holders’. It informs our identity and the way we work; enabling the most excluded groups to have a greater say, and increasing our accountability to rights holders.