
Full Description

Strengthening community-facility linkage and referral system was a pilot project implemented by CEDO-Uganda in partnership with TASO in 5 sub counties of Masindi District for a period January to June 2017. The project targeted sub counties of: Bwijanga, Kimengo, Budongo Karujubu, and Central division in Masindi. This intervention was aimed at contributing towards the 90,90,90 global strategy targets by 2020.

As a strategy for wider coverage and impact in a short time of the project pilot, CEDO identified and trained community based link persons (CLPs) selected from the different parishes in the project area. The training of the community link persons (CLPs) focused on the 90, 90, 90 global strategy targets and the rational of strengthening linkage and referral system. By the end of the pilot phase, CLPs had played a significant role in the mobilization of community activities including “moon lights” as well as community outreach dialogues. Other mapping of hotspots and health centres; identification, orientation and refresher training of CLPs; District level stakeholders meeting; Conducting moon light outreaches; SBCC sensitizations with drama; Compilation of a referral directorate and; Identification of key populations.