With funding from Canadian Feed The Children, CEDO Uganda has been implementing an Integrated initiative “Tugende-Tutandike Programme” since 2009. This program seeks to ensure that participating households and the community provide a protective environment for young children to ensure they grow up free from neglect and abuse; that children are born and raised during their first five years in conditions that ensure their survival and optimal physical development; and that young children enjoy a caring and stimulating environment, both at home and within their community where they can explore, learn, and socialize.

“Tugende-Tutandike” is a statement in “Lunyoro”, a language spoken by the indigenous Banyoro tribe in Masindi District, literally meaning “Let us Go and Start. The program is funded by Canadian Feed the Children (CFTC) and is implemented in the sub counties of Budongo, Pakanyi and Karujubu in Masindi District in Mid-western Uganda; and in Nwoya District in Northern Uganda.

Full Description

While the program was initially purposed to encourage and drive all children 3-6 years to go and start Early Childhood Learning under centres established by the community, in readiness for Universal Primary School; over the years, the it has expanded, covering key aspects that facilitate children’s growth, access to an education and retention until completion.

The Ultimate Programme Result:

Improved Well-Being of Children and Youth” in Masindi and Nwoya Districts by 2021

Intermediate Results:

  • Improved Food Security and Nutrition for Children and Youth,
  • Increased Income, Savings and Assets for beneficiary Households; and
  • Improved Educational Performance and Outcomes for Children and Youth.