
Full Description

With funding from USAID/Uganda Literacy Achievement and Retention Activity through RTI International, Child Rights Empowerment and Development Organization (CEDO) is implementing USAID/Uganda Literacy Achievement and Retention Activity project in 169 Universal Primary Education (UPE) schools of Sembabule and 65 of Kyegegwa District, Uganda for 18 months (March 2018 to August 2019). As well as 94 Universal Primary Education (UPE) schools of Nakaseke support under LARA I

  • The overall project goal of the project is “to contribute to improved early grade reading (EGR) and retention among pupils in universal primary education (UPE) schools in Sembabule Kyegegwa District by 2019.’’ And Nakaseke district project ended June 2018. To achieve the above stated goal, CEDO strives to achieve the following objectives;

    To increase community and household-level involvement in promoting literacy attainment (Intermediate Result (IR) 1.3) in Semnabule, Kyegegwa and Nakaseke.
  • To strengthen community commitment and capacity to provide the SRGBV prevention and response programs (IR 2.3) in in Semnabule, Kyegegwa and Nakaseke.

The above is achieved through;

  • Social Behavoral Communication Change massages (Tusomere wamu and Tukomye okutuntuza campaigns)
  • Case management (Village Child Case Management Committees plans (VCCMCs)
  • SGBV case registration/documentation (Mini case conferences)
  • Actions taken to reduce violence against children (U-Model actions initiated by communities)