
Full Description

Ending Child Marriage in Uganda; A CSO Led Advocacy Campaign was funded by Amplify change through Girls Not Brides Uganda Alliance (GNBU) and coordinated by JOY FOR CHILDREN Uganda. The grant was intended to support and strengthen the capacity of GNBU to advocate for change, and to build a stronger, more inclusive, and representative campaign against child marriages and teenage pregnancies in Uganda, this can include, but is not limited to strengthening advocacy and voices of communities; strengthening community support mechanisms and improving advocacy and policy processes. The project Implementation adopted a partnership approach with the existing community structures and other implementing Partners to leverage on their existence increase their opportunities for sustainability.

The project efforts focused in three sub counties of Masindi district and one division which includes; Budongo sub-county, Pakanyi sub-county, Miirya sub-county, and Karujubu division. These sub-counties were identified to have higher populations with child marriages due to the sugarcane plantations and charcoal burning activities commonly done in these areas as their main economic activities that expose young girls to teenage pregnancies that result to child marriages.
As defined by the project, Uganda is a highly vulnerable country for child marriages, ranked ninth (9th) in the world for most child marriages girls, aged between 14-19 years.

The project worked directly with the District Community Development Office particularly Probation and Welfare Office, District OVC committees, Sub county OVC Committees, Schools, Health Centres, Religious institutions and Police in all three sub-counties and one division of Masindi Municipality to ensure a stronger partnership and effective campaign against child marriages and teenage pregnancy in Masindi district.