
Full Description

The project, Strengthening HIV Prevention and Mitigation Responses (SPEAR), was implemented in five sub counties of Budongo, Kimengo, Bwijanga, Karujubu and Central Division in Masindi District from April 2013 to March 2015 under Grant Agreement No: (CSF/HIV5/022/2013) between Deloitte and CEDO Uganda; an implementing partner of the Strengthening Civil Society for improved HIV & AIDS and OVC Service Delivery in Uganda Program of the Civil Society Fund (CSF). The goal of the project was to contribute towards the National Goal of reducing New HIV/AIDS infections by 40% in the five sub counties of Masindi District by 2016

Key program activities included: Mapping critical service points; Establishment of a strong volunteer network; Establishment and Strengthening of local and national level partnerships with key HIV service providers; strengthening feedback and referral mechanisms; Media campaigns; Community dialogue events targeted at different target populations; SMC outreaches; PMTCT outreaches, HCT outreaches, as well as Integrated Gender, SRHR and FP sessions. Others included Distribution of IEC materials, Sensitization events through edutainment (drama including film shows) on both HIV pure and GBV; Nutrition support and lastly condom education and distribution.